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ju ka blloku telefoni? ja ketu i keni KODET -

Shko poshtë

ju ka blloku telefoni? ja ketu i keni KODET - Empty ju ka blloku telefoni? ja ketu i keni KODET -

Mesazh nga Haris Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:00 am

Kodet per SAMSUNG SH600:

*#06# -> IMEI
*#9999# -> Versioni i Software
*#0837# -> Version i Software (per te dhene prodhimin)
*#0001# -> Seria
*#9125# -> qesh kur ben sarzh

*#9998*228# ->gjendjae baterise
*#9998*246# -> gjendja e programit
*#9998*289# -> per te rregulluar gjendjen e alarmit
*#9998*324# -> ekrani i pare
*#9998*364# -> qeni time !!!
*#9998*377# -> gabimimi EEPROM .Futeni madhesin e butonit. Cancel dhe ok.
*#9998*427# -> per te gjetur qenin time (per zotin se ca do te thote qeni time nuk e di)
*#9998*523# -> Kontrasiti i ekranit LCD - vetem versionin me G60RL01W
*#9998*544# -> kerkimi i shpejtesise
*#9998*636# -> gjendja e memories
*#9998*746# -> gjatesia e file-it SIM
*#9998*778# -> Tblojae servisit SIM
*#9998*785# -> Gabimet RTK - nese shtyp ok, telefoni kycet, B gabim ne memorien informative.

*#9998*786# -> Run, fund, UP, fund

Kodet per SAGEM :

*# Komandat
*#06# numri i IMEI
*#30# Per te pare ID qe ka ardhur
*#31# -//- ID qe ka ikur
*#33# ben inaktife butonin e thirrjes
*#35# ben aktife -//-
*#43# vonesae thirrjes
*#100# ju tregon numrin tuaj te telefonit
*#101# DHLRU1 ?me falni po kete nuk e di se cfare eshte?
*#102# informata e dergimit
*#103# Koha qe jeni
*#147#Numri i fundit qe ju ka marrur
*#1345# Kjo eshte per te pare se sa kohe dhe sa kredi ja kane marre bisedimet .

Codet e celularit Sony

Kodet e Sony CMD-Z 1:

formo *#06# te shikosh IMEI

versioni Software dhe daten e prodhimit : Press # 8377466 # (#version#)

Sony CMDX 1000

tregon Software date : Remove your SIM Card, dhe pastaj : * # 06 #
dhe pastaj press:
[left softkey]
To enter Monitor Mode on Netvork Option menu:
9 (Phone Options)
7 (Phone Status)
[Left Display Button] (left MENU key) 7684666 [HangUp Button] (Red HandSet key)

Some characters explained

* activate
** register and activate
*# check status
# unregister
## unregister and deactivate

Call barring
**33*code# Activate barr all outgoing calls (for code see "Safety" above)
#33*code# Deactivate barr all outgoing calls
*#33# Check status of barr all outgoing calls
**330*code# Activate barr all calls
#330*code# Deactivate barr all calls
*#330*code# Check status of barr all calls
**331*code# Activate barr all outgoing international calls
#331*code# Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls
*#331*code# Check status of barr all outgoing international calls
**332*code# Activate barr all outgoing international calls except home country
#332*code# Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls except home country
*#332*code# Check status of barr all outgoing international calls except home country
**333*code# Activate barr all outgoing calls

Numri i postimeve : 718
Age : 32
Location : N' 'Burg'
Registration date : 10/10/2008

Character sheet
ju ka blloku telefoni? ja ketu i keni KODET - Left_bar_bleue20/40ju ka blloku telefoni? ja ketu i keni KODET - Empty_bar_bleue  (20/40)

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